Heung Lap Chi, Eugene
Because of health reasons, I was introduced to take up Taichi at Wu's Tai Chi Chuan Academy HK (Headquarter) in August 1999. At the time Master Tsoi Nei Biu was tutoring and his detailed teaching of the form and theory of Taichi induced my immense interest in Taichi. Even though I ceased going to Headquarter because of other reasons after 2001, I have not stopped practicing. In March 2003, I returned to Headquarter and have been furthering my learning in Taichi since.
February 2004 was a pivotal point in my acquaintance with Taichi. Master Eddie Wu Kwong Yu returned to teach in Hong Kong at the time. His explanation of Taichi movements and forms using scientific, logical, practical and theoretical approaches, together with his professional and serious attitude when imparting his knowledge to students left me with a very deep impression. I was very lucky enough at the time to have had the opportunity to receive Sifu's correction of my form and his encouragement even though he was very busy. From that time on, I practiced repeatedly following all the video tapes of Sifu's. Fortuitously, I became one of the first disciples admitted by Sifu in Hong Kong on 27th October, 2004 finally.
In closing, in addition to expressing my gratitude to Sifu Eddie Wu Kwong Yu, I wish to thank all the elders who have given me guidance, Tsoi Nei Biu Si Suk Gong, Ng Chiu Kit William Si Suk, Chan Sau Shing Si Suk and Lam Kar Tak Si Suk
我在 1999 年因身體健康, 在朋友介紹下於 1999年8月開始到鑑泉太極社學習太極拳。當時剛好蔡乃標老師正在執教, 他細緻的教授拳式和拳理, 帶起我對太極的無比濃厚興趣。雖然我在 2001 年後因其他原因, 暫時停止到總社學習, 但我仍然從不間斷的練習到2003年3月重返總社學習到今天。
2004年2月, 我對太極拳的認識, 是一個十分重要轉捩點; 當時吳光宇師傅返香港授教, 他用科學, 邏輯, 實踐, 理論來講解拳招, 他的專業和認真教授學員的態度, 留給我深刻印象。而當時我亦十分幸運地, 師傅可以在百忙中, 抽時間給我修正拳式, 再經他鼓勵, 從那時起, 更加不斷地將師傅所有錄影帶反覆溫習。終於, 因緣份, 在2004年10月27日正式成為師傅香港的首批徒弟。
最後, 在此除了再要多謝吳光宇師傅, 還要多謝各位曾經指導過我的長輩, 蔡乃標師叔公, 吳起杰師叔, 陳守成師叔, 林家德師叔。
Name: Eugene Heung Lap Chi 香立智
City: Hong Kong
Country: Hong Kong
Disciple of: Grand Master Eddie Wu Kwong Yu
Discipleship year: 2004
Disciple Status: Teaching Disciple
School: Wu's Tai Chi Academy, Hong Kong