As a young man I read a book about Tai Chi Chuan and became interested, but I couldn’t find a school. 15 year later, living in Toronto I saw a class being offered in our building and was interested, but never got around to signing up. Looking for exercise that my wife and I could do together, we found Sifu John Marchewitz teaching in Rochester, where we live. We signed up and I had finally found what I didn’t know I was looking for. It was 1999. Over time I got to learn the hand form, pushing hands, 24 forms and meditation. After about 3 years, when one of Sifu’s assistant teachers had to stop teaching, Sifu threw me into the deep end and told me to teach beginners, starting the slow and sometimes painful process of turning me into an assistant teacher. In 2005 Sifu, to my surprise, took me on as a disciple, which I considered a great honour. Now I love teaching, both to see student improve their health and what I learn from teaching. One case sticks in my mind, of a lady struggling with her balance. She had steadily improved her balance through brush knee and push, and repulse monkey. When she was practicing the transition to slant flying, I saw her confidently step through, raising her knee higher than ever before and placing her heel with intent. This is why I love teaching.
Over the years I have had the privilege of being taught by Sigong Eddie Wu Kwong Yu, Sifu Stephen Britt, Sifu John Marchewitz, Sifu Michael Ashmore and my brother and sister disciples.
As a result my health has improved, even though it was never bad. I am better at dealing with every day stresses from life and work.
I look forward to helping Sifu build his new school, possibly becoming a certified teacher and in the more distant future starting my own classes. And hopefully eventually pass the joy of teaching Wu style Tai Chi Chuan on to the next generation.
