Martin Kennedy
Martin began his training in 1981 under Sifu Wu Kwong Yu in Toronto. He was looking for focus and clarity and found Wu Style Tai Chi Chuan. Martin continues to practice Tai Chi Chuan because it is the one thing in life where the results are wholly his own and there is always something more to learn - its horizon is always expanding.
Martin began teaching in Toronto in 1984 under the supervision of Sifu Wu Kwong Yu and moved to Fredericton in 1994. He taught throughout the Fredericton area in various locations - such as YMCA, Bodylines, UNB, Fredericton Physiotherapy, Fredericton Recreation Department.
In the spring of 1998 Wu's Tai Chi Chuan Academy Fredericton was established. Martin continues to offer all level of instruction - beginners, intermediate, senior and senior age classes. As well as the hand form, he is also a qualified instructor of the sabre form which is offered periodically.
Martin continues to train yearly with Sifu Wu in Toronto and conducts seminars in Canada and the US.
Disciples of Sifu Martin Kennedy:
Anne-Marie Fortin, Canada Robert Peters, Canada Stephen Townsend, Canada Patrick Jenkins. Canada Wayne Mesiano, USA Claude LeBlanc, Canada Patrick Stanley, Canada Dan Fleet, Canada Gerry Fairweather, Canada
Name: Martin Kennedy
City: Fredericton
Province: New Brunswick
Country: Canada
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Disciple of: Grand Master Eddie Wu Kwong Yu
Disciple Year: 1986
Disciple Status: Teaching Disciple
School: Wu's Tai Chi Chuan Academy, Fredericton
Profession: Tai Chi Chuan Instructor