Saint John Art Center
Location Type: Disciple Teaching Learning Center
Chief Instructor: Patrick Stanley
Photo of Chief Instructor :
I have been working for a small firm in Saint John New Brunswick making custom orthopeadic footwear and insoles for 20 years. I am currently looking forward to retirement in August. Previously I was a glass blower and through it all raised three children with my wife Helen. I first tried Tai Chi Chuan with Sifu Martin Kennedy 2001 at the invitation of a friend. I thought it would be fun, a nice way to spend a Saturday afternoon. I had no idea of what was to come and how much it would become part of my life. I became Sifu Kennedy’s disciple in 2006 and was certified to teach by Sifu Kennedy in May of 2010. I continue to teach and work on hand and weapons forms under Sifu’s guidance.
Location: Saint John Art Center
Address: 20 Peel Plaza,
City: Saint John,
Province: New Brunswick
Country: Canada
Contact: Email : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Phone: 506-633-4870
Class Schedule: Please contact Sifu Stanley for more information on classes and prices
Certified Levels: Intermediate Level
Certification: 2011
For more information on the Learning Center's Instructor or Disciples, go to the Menu Bar: Our Federation to see the lists of Certified Instructors and Disciples.